Uses of Interface

Packages that use ICoverageNode
org.jacoco.core.analysis Coverage calculation and analysis. Rules check implementation. 

Uses of ICoverageNode in org.jacoco.core.analysis

Subinterfaces of ICoverageNode in org.jacoco.core.analysis
 interface IBundleCoverage
          Coverage data of a bundle.
 interface IClassCoverage
          Coverage data of a single class containing methods.
 interface IMethodCoverage
          Coverage data of a single method.
 interface IPackageCoverage
          Coverage data of a Java package containing classes and source files.
 interface ISourceFileCoverage
          Coverage data of a single source file.
 interface ISourceNode
          Interface for coverage nodes that have individual source lines like methods, classes and source files.

Classes in org.jacoco.core.analysis that implement ICoverageNode
 class CoverageNodeImpl
          Base implementation for coverage data nodes.

Methods in org.jacoco.core.analysis with type parameters of type ICoverageNode
<T extends ICoverageNode>
NodeComparator.sort(Collection<T> summaries)
          Returns a sorted copy of the given collection of ICoverageNode elements.

Methods in org.jacoco.core.analysis that return ICoverageNode
 ICoverageNode CoverageNodeImpl.getPlainCopy()
 ICoverageNode ICoverageNode.getPlainCopy()
          Creates a plain copy of this node.

Methods in org.jacoco.core.analysis with parameters of type ICoverageNode
 int n1, ICoverageNode n2)
 void CoverageNodeImpl.increment(ICoverageNode child)
          Increments the counters by the values given by another element.

Method parameters in org.jacoco.core.analysis with type arguments of type ICoverageNode
 void CoverageNodeImpl.increment(Collection<? extends ICoverageNode> children)
          Increments the counters by the values given by the collection of elements.
 NodeComparator NodeComparator.second(Comparator<ICoverageNode> second)
          Creates a new composite comparator with a second search criterion.

Uses of ICoverageNode in

Methods in with parameters of type ICoverageNode
 void IViolationsOutput.onViolation(ICoverageNode node, Rule rule, Limit limit, String message)
          Called for every rule violation.

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